Reinhardt Savic Foley New York I London I Denver I Stuttgart Your Local Counselors with a Global Reach Explore
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Client Comittment
about Reinhardt Savic Foley comprises of individuals who are result-driven and focused on providing exceptional services to our clients. We provide local counsel attention with a global reach and perspective. We are dedicated to professionalism and respect for our clients, our people, and rule of law.
The RSF Team Meet Our Attorneys Attorneys Our team combines legal professionals from around the globe with unique skills and experience that allow them to offer a wide range of legal services to clients across the world.
keyboard_arrow_down Explore Our Services Services Our attorneys are dedicated to delivering exceptional services to our clients. Our outside of the box thinking and our legal expertise allow us to provide our clients with the advice they need to maximize their opportunities and overcome challenges.

Litigation Corporate Real Estate Immigration Tax Investigations Intellectual Property Expat Services
OUR OFFICES New York - London - Denver - Stuttgart New York
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New York Reinhardt Savic Foley 200 Liberty Street
New York, New York 10281

T:+1 (212) 710-0970
F: +1 (212) 710-0971
London Reinhardt Savic Foley 20 Westland Place
London, N1 7JR

Denver Reinhardt Savic Foley 5613 S. Prince Street, Suite 200
Littleton, Colorado 80120 – USA

P: +1 (303) 815-1584
F: +1 (212) 710-0971
Stuttgart Reinhardt Savic Foley Leitzstrasse 45
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
D-70469 – Germany

Ph: +49 (711) 49066-140
Fax: +49 (711) 49066-145